So about three and a half years ago I rocked up to a new university, with so many worries, expectations and hopes for the next four years of my life. I didn't know anyone who had done a course similar to this before and I really didn't know what was expected. So after I've been doing this a while now, I wanted to put something into the universe that could possibly help future students.
1. Be Prepared To Work Your Ass Off
This is number 1 for a reason, quite a lot of people go to uni to get drunk, sleep and have a break before the 'real world' begins, no no no, doing a fashion design course you will be doing any amounts of all nighters, you will find the cheapest and nearest food joints to your building and then spend every second working. Dedication is the key, and it will pay off. You may want to ball your eyes out (and trust, I don't know one girl on my floor who hasn't had a melt down) but it will all work out just keep going.
2. Save, Save, Save
This course is going to cost money, you will need fabrics, equipment, threads, components, and you will even need to buy things that you will just stick in a sketch book and never use. If you can search around, look for bargains and never throw away, I collected fabrics from first year that I have only just used in my fourth year, you may think its rubbish but using spare fabric or anything for samples is a help.
3. Research and Keep Up To Date
Researching will help you massively when developing ideas for your collections, and help to develop your creativity. So basically if you don't already, look at catwalks, ads, anything you can, even if you have 5 minutes on a train or something, use your time. We were advised to make files on your computer of collections you like, manufacturing details you like, colours, and label them with who the designer is and the date of the collection. Its so good for referencing and you may be able to use them later as inspo in your sketch book.
4. Listen, Write and Respond
TAKE NOTES, right, you may think 'oh I don't need to write that down I will remember that' won't. You will take in so much information that you WILL forget. The amount of times I have thought that and then had to actually ask one of the girls who did write it down is ridiculous. Also ask questions, no question is silly, you can really get ahead by asking the right questions and if your too nervous while in a seminar or a large group, wait till the end, or message someone from a higher year, I love it when people from a lower year ask me things, I feel so helpful, ha!
5. Be Your Own Support System
In the fashion industry you will get people who want to knock you down, and friends may even turn on you, its a very cut throat world, and so many people will try to bring you down, so you don't need to bring yourself down too. Have confidence in yourself, and it will pay off, arrogance and confidence are different, be confident in your work, I have seen girls who are confident and it shows in their work, they have a reason for their designs and they see their goal. This tip also ties in with being independent, you need to know how to work on your own, you won't be able to rely on others in the fashion world, and even your classmates have so much work that you need to know how to work and can't keep asking for help with every little thing.
6. (The Most Important) HAVE FUN
This is gonna be your life, if this is what you really want to do, enjoying it will make it sooooo much easier. You will meet the best girls in the world, and have such a brilliant support system. You will need to work your butt off but you do need time to unwind and I'm telling you, fashion girls know how to party, and when we let our hair down, who knows what can happen!
And finally, just do it, you'll love it ;)